Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Nature and Time

We can all see how Mother Earth is considered beautiful.
Green grass and trees and leaves. White fluffy clouds, yellow sunshine, pink and orange and purple  sunsets. Aqua blue oceans that whisper Yahweh as the waves roll in to kiss the shore.
Flowers in springtime that can rival the colors of the rainbow. Rain that smells like heaven itself.
Summers lush profusion of yellow as seen in flower beds and vegetables, dandelion weeds, sand at the beach, add to that the color of blue skies, or blue birds or blueberries.
How about the color of Strawberries, Tomatoes or deep Magenta petunias?
There is that pale green color of lakes and rivers and leaves that are just starting to wilt from the heat.
Fall comes and is a form of ambrosia itself, what with all of the trees changing color all at the same and the autumnal smells of wood burning fires and apples bubbling on the stove and the distinct
smell of decay in the garden as the soil gets itself ready for a long winters nap.
Not to be left out is Winter with it's sparkling snow, frosty air and midnight skies strewn with stars.
The Cardinals so vivid and red hiding in the Evergreen trees,  white iridescent whorls of Jack Frost patterns on the bedroom windows, Silver Bells in the city....

Now...what about Father time? Is he considered ugly?
A mean old ogre who turns our children into adults before we are ready?
The thief in the night who steals our sleep and keeps us awake even knowing all the while that we are gonna be cranky tomorrow?
Do you wake up on Monday morning only to find that at bedtime it is already Friday evening?
Do you find that the older we get the faster time flies?
Wasn't it just Summer with its unbearable heat and humidity?
And wasn't it me who was wishing it away with my complaints of it being too hot?
Wasn't it me who couldn't wait for Fall and all that comes with it?
Did that include head colds and raking leaves til our backs ached and darkness outside at 4:30pm?
And isn't it also me who couldn't wait for Winter to get here because I have lived with hot flashes for the last ten years and I am sick unto death of roasting my arse off?

Fall lasted about two weeks here in the upper midwest. One too many cold snaps and the leaves all fell off the trees with barely any glory to show for it. Winter showed up with below zero wind chills on a day that the weatherman said should normally feel like 50 degrees.
Next weeks forecast doesn't look like we will see 50 degrees either...only more biting cold.

Well you'll all be pleased to know that my internal furnace finally, mercifully, gave out last week.
For the first time in a long time I am feeling cold. Yesterday after school it felt like 5 degrees outside factoring in the wind chill and I froze my patootie off standing outside waiting for the grand kids to get out of school.
Today I am wearing a sweater. A SWEATER! An honest to goodness knitted type of top that was designed to keep a body warm. I never thought that I'd see the day when I would feel cold again.
I'd given up hope. So much so that I had gotten rid of most of my heavy sweaters and shirts.
Can I tell you that it feels delicious to feel this chilly again. It is a beautiful thing.
I can wear socks and boots and flannel jammie pants! I bought myself two hats. Two!!
I fear I am becoming someone that I no longer know! I don't wear hats...ever.  Never have.
I think these two-Mother Nature and Father Time have decided to work together and give me a break.
She makes it cold outside a month before she must and he makes me older which makes me more appreciative of the creature comforts I used to love like winter sweaters and hot tea, and a mini fireplace and burning candles, and socks.  And flannel p.j.'s!!

It's been great chatting with you all,
Thanks for reading,
Love, Lolly

(P.S. Next post I am sure will be about my dry winter skin and the aggravating sound of the furnace running, running, running, and my complaints about roasting meat in the oven and wishing we could just grill outside, and how every person I know has a cough and a cold....sigh. Jesus please save me from myself.)