Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Missed opportunities

I compose great blog posts in my head. I really do.
And then I convince myself that I'll remember every word later
when it comes to writing it down.
Have you noticed that I haven't written a blog post since April?
I suppose the correct thing to say would be I haven't TYPED a
blog post since April.
And there are too many posts in my head to remember all I wanted to say.
So I will sum up my life for the last 2 months with bullet points.
Here we go:

  • I like Yoga when I can lay flat on the mat with my eyes closed.
  • I learned that that is called meditation.
  • I love the way my gardens look; full and thriving from ALL.THIS. RAIN.
  • I like finding new plants to mix with my already existing plants. It thrills me to reaarange here, pull a weed or two there.
  • I built a brick bird bath pedestal all by myself. And then...
  • I learned that my 56 year old back cannot garden and haul bricks around like it used to.
  • I learned that the back support brace that my chiropractor prescribed for me cost my insurance carrier $650. What the heck!
  • I realize that I am blessed and lucky and privileged to have said insurance carrier.
  • My anxiety /depression is completely under control and I feel like my old self again.
  • I realize that I have missed my old self. And I am glad that she is back.
  • I got my first Summer pedicure done by the sweetest little Asian woman who barely spoke English. It was hard to communicate with her, so when it came time to pay her, I grabbed her tiny, delicate grandma hands. It startled her and she looked up at me. That is when I said thank you while I warmly held her hands with my own. She smiled..huge. And I smiled back.
  • I like that being kind and smiling are a universal language that we can all understand.

  • My husband retires in 3 short years. I cannot wait to hit the road in our RV with our dog.
  • Remind me of this 3 years from now when he is aggravating the shit outta me.
  • The grandkids are off of school til August. They are bored, hungry and filled with energy.
  • Two weeks before school ended my grandson tripped at school and crashed into a cyclone fence pole. His glasses gashed his nose and the post hit his forehead which broke his fall. 
  • The resulting bruise was the size of a chicken egg and the gash on his nose took off too much skin, so they could not stitch it closed. Scarred for life already at 10 years old.
  • My 6 year old granddaughter nearly drowned last week. She'd been at the beach with her mom and brother and walked out too far and couldn't get back. It's one of those things where mom looked away for a minute and that was all it took. My daughter found my granddaughter face down, floating six inches below the surface at the 5 foot buoy line. She was limp and when she turned her over her eyes were rolled back in her head. She threw her over her shoulder in a fireman carry and gotten her  back to shore when my granddaughter made a loud retching sound and came to. My daughter fell to her knees at the base of the lifeguard stand, looked up at the lifeguard and screamed FUCKING HELP ME SHE ALMOST DROWNED!!  To which the lifeguard responded with a blink. A FUCKING BLINK!!  So my daughter picked up my granddaughter and ran through the sand to the main office where they took her pulse, told her she was fine and gave her a popsicle. 
  • Needless to say, my granddaughter took a ride in an ambulance and then spent the next 8 hours in the ER being observed for Secondary Drowning. Scary, awful, life altering stuff right there.
  • She is fine, no after effects. I can't yet say the same for my daughter. She keeps reliving the moment when she found her. And yet there is more to this story.
  • My daughter was sitting on the beach not 4 feet away from where the kids were playing in the sand. She was looking down (not at her phone) when she felt a nudging..a prompting to look up. Had she not looked up at that moment this would be an entirely different post. But she did. And I know in my heart who it was that nudged her to look up. I know Jesus was there that day and He saved my granddaughter and in essence, He saved the rest of us too. Eventually He will get around to letting my daughter know that this wasn't her fault. 
  • Time heals a lot. 
  • So does Jesus. Amen? 

I follow all of you on Facebook or Instagram. I read your posts when you put them up. I look at and comment on your pictures when they show up in my Instagram feed. I feel like you ladies are part of my tribe and I would just like to say thank you for all of the love and support over these last few years. 
It truly means the world to me.

Thanks for reading,
Love, Lolly