Thursday, February 21, 2019

A snuggly warm raisin

I am getting sick. No big deal. Just a Rhinovirus or something of the sort.
My Chiropractor suggested that I keep myself overly warm by wearing a hoodie
and sweats and then wrapping myself in a warm blanket and sweating this virus out.
I could die of heat stroke just thinking about doing that.
But I told my sister I was going to try this "Sweat It Out" thingy and then told her
if I don't show up to church on Sunday to come and find me.
I'll be the dried up raisin she finds on my couch under the blanket.

I detest being warm or overly warm or hot. Not sure how long I am going to last
snuggled under a blanket while wearing sweats and a hoodie. Yikes.
I am going to make Medicine Soup for myself first before I dive under those covers.

Medicine Soup is bone broth and vegies and garlic and lemon all simmered together.
I jokingly tell my family that my Medicine Soup can grow back a  severed limb.
Let's see if it can plump me back up once I dehydrate myself under those covers.

I'll check back in with y'all later. Wish me luck.

Thanks for reading,
Love, Lolly


  1. I used to be like you, where I dreaded getting too warm. Now I'm colder than I've ever been. 74 degrees inside and I'm still chilled sometimes. My thyroid is supposed to be fine, but I don't know. I hope you feel better soon! You'll be a raisin, I'll be the prune. xoxo

  2. Oh NOOOOOO! I was sick for three weeks. I hope you fare much better. Feel good soon Lolly girl.
