So there's this song
It gives me goosebumps when I play it on my IPod
And it makes me want to cry.
Because I wish for this daily.
Him and I being normal, able to talk to
and relate with each other.
But Alas....
I live with a sad man, a mad man
A man who is always sad and always mad.
About everything.
For years I tried to fix
The sadness...the madness.
Played the codependant wife until
I became sad and mad myself.
Lucky for me that Alanon and my faith
converged together at the exact same moment
in time to save me.
Thank You Jesus!
I wish the same could be said for him.
He is not saved and doesn't want to be.
Sad and mad define him.
I don't want any more secrets or half truths.
But the Sad man is afraid of that word.
The truth scares him, I think.
Life scares him.
He like to blame others for minor and or slight infractions.
A lost baby blanket is cause for an arguement
and much upheaval in our household.
Blame will be placed on everyone but himself.
And when it comes to light that he may have unwittingly
had a part in the disappearance of said blankie
there will be no forth coming apology.
Oh, he'll say sorry...quickly and in a snarky manner.
But he won't mean it because he never is sorry.
He'll continue playing his word game on his IPhone
Not looking at or acknowledging me
As I tell him that he was being mean
By his passive/aggressive comments and accusatory tone
as we were searching for the grandsons blanket.
We'll go to sleep, again, not talking about
Or bringing up the current issue that is between us.
How freeing would it be to be able to live with and love
And talk with your spouse of 30 years?
We've never been able to do it, him and I.
I once made a romantic dinner for two
Had the kids at a sitter and myself all gussied up
House cleaned, candles lit, music playing
Just waiting to surprise him after work.
During dinner, I made the mistake of telling him
about the fear I've always had of him leaving me.
My honesty made him angry and he left me that night.
Said he couldn't live with a woman who didn't trust him
enough to never leave her.
Do you get the incredible irony of that situation??
I learned to stop being honest with him.
I saved all my hurts and sadness and truths
and shared them with my best friend instead.
It didn't help the marriage per se, but it helped me.
But this song makes me ache for what we don't have.
Don't get me wrong, I love this man.
Just wish we had the ability between us both
to be real and honest and truthful.
I'd like to pray together, make decisions together
Go to church together, confide in each other.
I wanna laugh together and tell each other our secrets.
I want us to heal and get well together.
I want joy and happiness and dreams coming true.
I wanna laugh together and tell each other our secrets.
I want us to heal and get well together.
I want joy and happiness and dreams coming true.
I mean what the hell are we doing after 30 years together?
Why can't we have it all?
Why does it still have to be so hard?
Why can't he be happy? Why is he mean?
Why can't we just be happy together?
How come he thinks it's me and I think it's him?
What the hell!
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