Monday, March 26, 2018

Praying for thanks

Dear Lord,
When I try to pray in the morning I get distracted.
The dog wants to go out for a walk.
The grand kids want to eat breakfast.
My son is in the shower and calling for a clean towel to dry off with.
My spouse can't find his car keys and he's running late for work. Again.
I've not yet had a sip of coffee nor have I read any of my devotionals
but I have folded an entire basket of clean towels, found his car keys,
fed the grand kids and walked the dog.

It also dawns on me that I have not yet thanked You for any of this.
So without further ado, Lord, I'd like to thank You for...

*A healthy dog who wants to eat and then eats without throwing up and for a dog who wants to go out walking and for a dog that finally poops like a normal dog. Gross, I know, but she has been sick off and on every two weeks since Christmas with vomiting and bloody diarrhea. As soon as she would finish the medicine from the Vet, her symptoms would start back up again.
Imagine the Vet bills if you can....And Thank You Lord for the ability to pay said Vet bills.
Thank You for our Vet and her stick-to-it-ive-ness for finally, FINALLY finding a diagnosis (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) and a solution (prescription grade dog food AND NOTHING ELSE EVER) for this little dog of ours.

*Two healthy, boisterous, loud, cartoon watching grandchildren who come in my front door 5 days a week smiling and shoving each other; flinging shoes and coats in their wake, and settling their tiny little fannys in front of the TV to watch those cartoons while they inhale cereal and toast. My cousin works at Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago. Believe me when I say that I am so grateful that these two (and the other two grandchildren I have) can eat and sleep and fight and laugh and watch cartoons and run and misbehave. We love them. They are gifts, Dear Lord, and I thank You for them.

*My son, living back at home after a heartbreaking split with is girlfriend. It is so hard to go back home, Lord. Once a body has been out on their own, living with parents again can be a little stifling. Thank You Lord for helping me help him and also for helping me keep my mouth shut when it comes to his business and his friends and his lifestyle and the late nights out at bars and for nights when he doesn't come home at all, but he does text me. He didn't used to. Thank You Lord for that.

*My husband and his ability to lose anything and everything all the damn time. Especially his keys.
Thank You Lord for helping me to help him find them, when it is 7:00am and he is frantically tearing up my house in his panic and haste so he can drive to his job that is slowing sucking the life out of him. Or so he says.
Thank You Lord for the spark that still ignites between us...sometimes it glows like a candle, warm and soothing and other times it's a raging forest fire consuming everybody in its path including us.
Thank You Lord that a simple kiss can have a thousand different meanings from Hiya Handsome, to I'm sorry but you're still a jerk.
Thank You that we have each other Lord, even on the bad days.
Thank You for this house we share and repair together. For appliances that work, for yards that need to be mowed for gardens that need to be planted.

*Thank You Lord for that clean load of towels I found in the dryer and folded at 6:00am this morning.

*The pen and paper that I scratched out this prayer on before I typed it on this blog.

*The candle I just lit and my devotionals that I will open up in a few minutes.

*I'm going to go get me that cup of coffee now Lord.
And I thank You for that too.

Thanks for reading,
Love, Lolly


  1. And for friends that share their heart. 💜

  2. Oh Lolly, I needed this. Yes thank you God for all of it, all of them, all of me. ❤️
