Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Musings on a New Year

I am here
I am well
I am happy

I've loosened my grasp on things I couldn't control anyway
I've removed human toxicity from around my personal space
I've not yet given up on Jesus but I did stop clawing at Him

I'm plump and sassy and a bit smart ass-y
I'm forever working on being graceful and grateful
I'm typing on a brand new laptop and I feel very old

I want to start blogging again but Instagram is way funner
I want to go camping with our grandkids in our new RV
I want Peace on Earth and rain for Australia

I pray for a deescalation of hate and anger in the world
I pray for a change this November
I pray for us all.

I miss you guys.

Thanks for reading,
Love, Lolly


  1. So so so good to hear from you♥

    Well done on letting go and giving up and removing.

  2. I'm so glad you posted. I would like to know how you removed human toxicity from your personal space. A future blog post maybe? I also like Instagram, but I'm a word person, and I miss your words. :) I am plump and am working on not being sassy. It's a long slog. Love to you! xoxox
