Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I've got a secret

I've got a secret board on Pinterest. A board no one else can see but me. I call it  My God moments. As in My God not OH MY God!. It's beautiful pictures and amazing quotes and Bible verses (that can stop me in my tracks); that "speak" to me about God and His grace and the Universe and my place in it. I don't want to share this board with anyone. I like keeping it secret. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy and a little bit holy when I look at what I have pinned to this board. So why then, if it's a secret, am I telling you about it?? I don't know. It's been a while since I blogged and I really don't have much to say. It was  the first thing that popped into my head and I just started typing.  Ellen over at Sweetwater blogged today about ordinary life. She says ....."Sometimes daily life stuff doesn’t seem like much to write about. But that is what I am doing over here. Just daily life."   
Same here. Ordinary life. Daily life. And really, that feels pretty darn good. Nothing new to blog about isn't necessarily a bad thing. It may make for a boring blog post, but I'll take boring over burned out. I'll take mundane over meltdown. Serenity over sadness. God's grace and forgiveness over shame and anger.  Secret Pinterest boards about holiness over secrets that hurt and damage your soul.
The house is decorated for Christmas and I've got half of the presents bought. Got a load of towels in the washer and I need to go to the store and get Kleenex and paper towels. Hasn't snowed yet this season and I am hoping to have a white Christmas. Hubs is at work, Chihuahuas are sleeping, beds are made.....plain, old, ordinary life. And I've never felt better about that in my whole life.
See??? That's Gods grace. And it feels amazing! Peace and serenity and a secret Pinterest board that reminds me of what's holy in this life, what's holy in MY life. My plain, old, ordinary life. I am so blessed!

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