Sunday, June 17, 2018


24. What makes you feel grounded?
(a sad story first...When my grandson was 4, he had done something naughty, I forgot what it was he had done exactly, but I grounded him for it. After he had apologized for whatever infraction it was, I told him that he was ungrounded. And he said to me..."You mean I don't have to go in the ground anymore?"  This poor sweet boy thought he had to go under the ground. As in like he would be dead and buried under ground. He heard the word grounded and thought it literally meant being put into the ground.)

So, What makes you feel grounded?
I'm not sure. So I looked up some grounding techniques to aid in my answer.

Being grounded is where we are able to experience life with clarity, control, energy, flexibility and peace.
When you find yourself around someone, maybe at the workplace or within the family who always manages to bring drama and negative energy to the environment, do you find yourself getting sucked in? Maybe these types of people trigger frustration, anger, or anxiety. These triggers can come from anywhere in your external world — traffic jams, lineups, relationships, finances, work, etc. These situations that make us feel anxious or unstable are often responsible for stealing our energy. 
Being grounded allows us to preserve our energy instead of giving it all away.
So, what helps me preserve my energy?

  • Reading
  • Naps
  • Nature
  • Music

Take this test:
1. Take off your shoes and socks and intentionally feel your feet pressing into the ground. (If you can’t take your shoes off, just envision and feel your feet being pulled towards the ground)
2. With your eyes open, look around the room or your immediate surroundings and become aware of each detail – focusing in on one thing at a time. (Ex: What colour is the wall? What can you hear? What is on the table? How is the tree reacting to the subtle winds? Notice the bird in the sky and the smells in the air.)
3. Now close your eyes and feel your body, bringing the same awareness to the feeling of each part of your body, starting with the top of your head and working your way down to your toes. Then, begin to sense the wholeness of your body and the energy flowing through, keeping you alive.  Spend a couple minutes just focusing in on what it feels like in your body to be alive without expecting anything.
How about what makes you feel Ungrounded?
Again, I had to look up information to get my facts straight.

Clear signs you’re ungrounded:

1 Feeling ‘spacey’ or dizzy  When you’ve been meditating for prolonged periods or doing any spiritual work, your energy body is literally outside of your physical self, hence the term ‘out of body’. This is what makes you feel ‘spacey’. What you feel is the vacuum that’s left when your energy body has vacated your actual body. Even if you don’t feel this yourself, you might notice you seem invisible to others. This is because, energetically, you’re not really all there.
2 Finding it hard to finish tasks  Do you find yourself setting out to do one thing, but end up doing something else? If this keeps happening, you definitely need to ground yourself as your mind is all over the place and can’t focus.
3 Being unable to concentrate  You may notice this especially when trying to do tasks that require you to hold a series of steps in your head. If you can’t manage to recall more than one or two, or keep getting stuck at the same point, this is a sign you are ungrounded.
4 Not making yourself understood  You’re trying to explain something, or retell an experience, but people simply stare blankly at you. They just don’t get what you are trying to say. You repeat yourself. You start sentences but don’t finish them or change topic half way through.
5 Unable to understand others  You simply cannot understand what other people are saying to you. You stare back blankly, wondering what they are talking about. People might ask a question and you don’t even realise they’ve spoken, or you might answer a completely different question or answer inappropriately. You might also find it hard to keep up with conversations, not realising others have moved on to a different subject.
6 Getting easily get distracted  Perhaps you start to do something, then find yourself doing something else entirely. You walk into a room and can’t remember what you went in for. You realise you are holding something but can’t remember why.
7 Losing track of time You may keep being late or early for things. You’re just not in the same time zone as everyone else. When your attention and energy is on the past or future, you will be out of the now and ‘out of time'.

Well it appears as if I am so ungrounded that I should be standing on the ceiling. Good Lord!
Every single bullet point is correct about me. All 7!!
Looks like I've got lots more work to do on meself.   I'll keep you girls posted on that front.

25. What obsessions do you have? 

  • Reading.  If I cannot I read, I cannot breathe.
  • Worry. I am obsessed with worrying. Hopefully once I become grounded again, that will help with my little worry problem.
  • Keeping the kitchen sink empty and clean. That's weird, right?
  • Plants for my gardens. I could go shopping at the local Garden Shoppe every day. Also, I love the smell of good soil.

26. How is your memory?
I'm sorry...What was the question again?

Nine more questions to go in this chapter on Earth
Thanks for reading,
Love, Lolly

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