Friday, October 12, 2012

31 days of prayer 12

Day 12

A virus that has affected the lining around the heart....that is what the Dr.'s said. And I think to myself a virus?! A virus!? His blood pressure is sooo high...141/115, his pulse is 120, his chest feels constricted, he is short of breath and he is 23 years old. These are not normal vitals. And they want to blame it all on a virus??? They have done test, after test, after test and all they can come up with is a diagnosis of a virus. I can feel myself getting all pissy and angry...why can't they give me a better diagnosis than virus?? Something more serious has got to be wrong here. Something was seriously wrong when I brought him into the ER. But the very next day, everything started to improve. BP was going down along with the heart rate. Chest pain was subsiding. All testing was coming back normal. What is going on here??? And in my head, I hear a whisper, a thought, that floats through my brain that says Hey! Didn't you offer this up to the community as a prayer? Didn't you ask the people you know, friends and family alike to pray for your boy? Didn't you ask God to help your boy get well? Well?! Didn't you?? Gulp. Oh boy. I did. I did ask for prayers for my son. I did beg God to heal him. So why the unbelief  then? Why do I doubt the power of my God to heal? Why do I doubt His ability to answer my prayers?  And the prayer today is my own, in my own words:

Thank You Heavenly Father for answering my prayer. Thank You for healing my son. Forgive me for not trusting You enough. Forgive me for not believing, for not seeing Your hand in his healing. Amen


“What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.” The father instantly cried out, “I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!” Mark 9:23-24

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