I babysit for my fabulous grandson 4 to 5 days a week. He is 2. And a half. He is getting ready to take on the age of 3 and the world at the same time. He seriously is one of the cutest kids I've ever seen. And this feeling of being a grandparent and loving a grandchild is so different and so much better than loving your own kids. Most days the Sun rises and sets for this beautiful little guy. However, yesterday he locked me out of the house. Yep. Locked out. With no key. Not that a key would have even helped. He slid the floor bolt closed. I heard the floor bolt slide right into its casing as I was reaching for the door. Through the window I could see him smiling at me with his perfect little white Chicklet teeth. He was laughing even. I, on the other hand, went into panic mode in about 2 seconds! Started screaming at him to open the door...OPEN THIS DOOR!!! Patrick! Open this door!! And he laughed some more. So I started banging on the door and the glass while I was screaming at him to OPEN. THE. DOOR!!
I figured if he knew how to slide the bolt home, he would know how to pull it back out. And I was right. He did know how to unlock the door. It was only for a minute (felt like an hour) that I was locked out of the house, but I learned my lesson well. From now on Grandpa can take the garbage out when he gets home from work and I'll keep myself inside with my grandyoungin'. So here is today's prayer:
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