33. Do you feel connected to nature?
Yes. I feel it by way of the colors, and sounds and smells.
The Sunshine and the Moon glow. Water, Earth, and Air.
I also feel it when I think of the growth process of a seed. Plant a seed, it grows a fruit, you eat the fruit and replant the seed, and it grows another plant, which will bear more fruit. Who but God could have dreamed up something like that?
And I love animals. When animals trust you it means something...you can see it in their eyes. Animals trust me not to harm them.
34. Do you feel loved by nature?
Yes. By hearing birdsong through the open window, feeding the Squirrels, Hummingbirds and Finches at my feeders, flowers thriving in my newly weeded gardens, hearing YAHWEH in the sound of the ocean waves, the smell of plants and flowers, the feel of good loamy soil in my hands, 70 degree days, cloud patterns, soft pattering rain, the delicate lace pattern of a single snowflake, a soft breeze ruffling the leaves, cool green grass under my feet, the way lake water feels like silk, Autumn leaves, the unmistakable smell of rain, the vast number of different types of trees- for food or shelter or shade.
By listening to praise and worship music. By puttering around in my garden, going to church, reading my daily devotionals. I suppose that would be how I stay connected to God.
How do I feel connected to God tho??? By coincidental happenings. Too many times to count. Too many times for it to NOT count, get it? I feel and see Gods hand in everything. I don't understand how He can condone it or use it or let happen all of the awful things I see in this world. But I believe there is a better place, that we don't truly belong here, that this world is the place where we learn the lessons we're supposed to learn. I believe in heaven. I believe the body dies but the Soul goes on.
36. Who do you love? My family-
Art, Emily, Madelyn, Steven, Patrick, Fiona, Charlie, Delaney, Traci, my mom, Doreen, Vicki, Matt, Paul, Patrick, Cara, Melissa, McKenna, Ally, Parker, Brooks, Daniel, Jennie, Ellie, Jojo, Tommi, Robyn, Evan, Reese, Camden, Bryan, Amy, Billy, Adri, Mike, Adam, Kate, Trace, Jack, Robb, Stacy, Melodi, Patrick, Pammie, Stacey, Rhonda, Todd, Aunt Mar, Kelsyjane, Calliemae, Annabelle, Jordan.
Want I should list my second and third cousins too?
37. What do you love?
My husband, my kids, my grandkids
My favorite color- chocolate brown
Sleeping on soft sheets
Coffee with cream and sugar
Reading books
Worship and praise music
Everybody loves Raymond reruns
Andy Griffith reruns in black and white
Early Spring
Middle of Autumn
Dead of Winter
Rainy days
Riding our Harley
Crab Legs
Sweet Tea
The sight, sound and smell of the ocean
The scent of pine trees and Lemon Thyme and rain,
The smell of dirt, clean laundry, lavender and lilacs
(Seems like I should write a post about my favorite smells)
Six more questions to go.
Thanks for reading,
Love, Lolly
#35 -- yes. Me too. I had never heard this song -- I love it. I'd love to know your 10 favorite songs or CDs. (Did you already post that?!)